News & Updates

Latest Updates to RED 11/27/18

RED Network GDPR compliant, pagination for News/Events/Directory page templates, new taxonomy grouping for Profile posts, Oasis Workflow plugin, and Nested Pages plugin.

Latest Bug Fixes from 10/30/18 Update

Titles are now properly working for Tablepress, Accordion, and Tab Group components. The Highlight Contact Google Map is now working and the internal search icon (magnifying glass) is now appearing on Internet Explorer.

Reported Issue: Google Map Embeds

Google maps included in either the Text block w/ Maps or the Highlight Contact components are not appearing at this time. This is due to a change by Google related to Google Maps…

New "Priority" Capability on Directory Page Templates

The Directory page template has undergone an update and now allows users to add a “Priority” content area above the regular directory listing results.   Within this content area, you can add components (the…

MathJax Feature Available in RED

Rendering math equations is now possible on Red. To activate this capability, select “Enable Math rendering” under Theme Settings and click the blue “Update” button. Once this setting is activated, mathematical notation can…

Pride Points Component Update

With the latest update, we’ve refurbished the Pride Points component.  Now, instead of only being able to insert numbers and symbols, you are able to insert a single word (case-sensitive) within each row…

Updates to Footer Content Capability

There have been a couple of updates to the content options within the footer within RED.   Under Theme Settings, site admins can now add a secondary set of contact information to the footer…