Site Admin email list
The email listserv -- -- was created to provide a communication channel to at least one administrator for each website on the Red WordPress multisite. This list has been used to provide information such as scheduled downtime; information about outages; and significant updates and enhancements to the multisite.
Subscribers to the listserv
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The primary subscribers to the listserv are the email addresses used as each site’s “Admin email.” When new sites are created, the requestor for the website is the primary admin and that email address is added to the list.
Site owners who would like for other primary content managers to receive the notifications that are sent to the listserv may request additional user emails be added to the listserv. To make your request, use our Contact Us Form and select the option “add a user(s) to redsiteadmin listserv.” Please provide the First Name Last Name and email address of those to add.