Latest Update to RED 9/24/19
RED Theme Updates 9/24/19
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Related: Directory Listing Filters Update
With the latest update to RED (9/24/19), the developers have implemented some enhancements and bug fixes as well as updated the contact webform located on The contact webform now asks more specific questions regarding your inquiries to better assist in streamlining responses. We’re trying to make our language more user-friendly, starting with our own contact form. If you have suggestions for reducing the amount of tech-speak on Red, please reach out to us via the form. The following are the textual changes to the webform:
- ADDED: drop-down list of all Vice Chancellor units now appears when selecting “request a private test site.” When selecting “This site is for a college,” from that list, a second drop-down list of colleges will appear. Below the drop-downs is an optional field labeled “Name of department or subunit (if applicable).”
- ADDED: selecting “request a private test site”, automatically subscribes you to the redsiteadmin listserv. Nothing will happen if you are already subscribed.
- ADDED: new option labeled “Is this site intended to replace another site?” when selecting “request a private test site.”
- DELETED: “move my site from the system to” All new site requests on Red should now go through the standard “request a private test site” option.
- DELETED: “ask something else” top-level option. For general support, site admins are encouraged to select the newly-renamed “other questions or problems.”
- RENAMED: “request support” to “other questions or problems.”
- RENAMED: “change my site’s CNAME” to “change my site’s web address.”
On top of the changes to the webform, the development team also put the following updates in place:
- The notification post bug that caused issues with lengthy time use of the post has been squashed.
- The maximum upload image size for the Media Gallery has been increased to 15MB from 2MB, but using larger images within components is still being reviewed by the development team as they have their own set of file size parameters.
If you have any bug reports, or suggestions on how to make RED the best theme it can be, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our webform.
Happy Editing!