Latest Update to RED 10/8/2019
Latest Update to RED 10/8/2019
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With the latest update to RED (10/8/19), the developers have created a plugin update that will make your inbox look a little cleaner!
- The new feature is called Akismet, and it is an anti-spam feature for Gravity Forms that has been activated on the Red WordPress multisite. No action is required on your part to activate this feature. If you have a contact form on your site, you should see a reduction in the amount of form spam in the coming days. To manually turn Akismet on or off (we recommend leaving it on), go to Forms > Settings in your WordPress dashboard and select Yes/No under “Akismet Integration.”
If you have any bug reports, or suggestions on how to make RED the best theme it can be, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our webform.
Happy Editing!
Modified on October 08, 2019