Specialty Pages
Custom Page Templates
In addition to the Default (internal page) and Landing Page templates, the Red theme includes custom templates for Contact Pages, Directory listing pages, and other listing pages for the various custom post types. To create a specialty page, add a new page and select the appropriate Template from the Page Attributes field.
Any of these page templates can be used for the pages that are in the top level of your Main Menu navigation to comply with the Red Requirements.
Contact page
Heading link
The Contact page template does not include a header image. There is an Intro text area with an optional Subtitle and required Body text.
The content components that are available on this page include Text Block, Highlight Contact, Highlight Directory and Gravity Form. You can use multiple instances of these components and order them as necessary.
The Attach Billboard feature is available for this page as well.
Directory page
Heading link
The Directory template allows you to create a listing from your Profile posts (faculty, staff, students, etc.). The page template does not include a header image but does include an Intro text area with an optional Subtitle field.
The Directory feature allows you to select what category(ies), Research Areas, Practice Areas, Departments, or Roles of Profile posts you want to display (or exclude) on the page. The default list is ordered A-Z by the last name and includes the profile image, name, title, phone and email, and links to the full Profile. This way you can set up the page only to display a certain position (i.e. professor, grad student, etc.) or a certain research field (i.e. Victorian Studies, Bioengineering, etc.).
Visitors can also filter the Directory page view by any of the taxonomies associated with a particular profile (i.e. Practice Areas, Departments, etc.), that also falls within the taxonomies you selected to be included on the page. Now your visitors can filter what type of Profiles display based on the taxonomies assigned to both Profile posts as well as the particular Profile template page.
There is also a “Priority” content area where you can add components (Highlight Contact or Highlight Directory) that will appear above the regular directory listings. This is useful when listing top board members or department heads first on a directory page, while also including the rest of the directory beneath.
You can also set the number of Profile posts that appear per page (up to 100 in increments of ten). This is done through the “Pagination” section while editing the page. Just be aware, the higher the number of pagination (number of results per page), the longer it will take for the page to load for your visitors.
News listing page
Heading link
The News listing page allows you to show an archive of News posts. The page template does not include a header image but does include an Intro body text area with an optional Subtitle field.
The News listing feature allows you to select what category(ies) of news posts you want to display (or exclude) on the page, either a single category or multiple categories. You have two options of displaying the news listings: List (with excerpts) or Tile. The List format will include a thumbnail of any images included in individual posts, the headline linked to the full post, and an excerpt of the body of the post. The Tile format will appear similar to the Featured Tiles component do on a page; the news posts appear 2 articles across – with a large (clickable) image, title and excerpt of the body of the post. List format is organized as a vertical list of single items, while the Tile format is two across.
The listing is ordered from most recent to older posts and will automatically create pagination at the bottom of the page. You do have the option of making an individual News post “sticky” which means that it will stay at the top of the list as long as this designation is activated.
You can also set the number of News posts that appear per page (up to 100 in increments of ten). This is done through the “Pagination” section while editing the page. Just be aware, the higher the number of pagination (number of results per page), the longer it will take for the page to load for your visitors.
The page does not include any additional content area or components, however, you can attach Billboards below the listing.
Event listing page
Heading link
The Event listing page allows you to show an archive of Event posts. The page template does not include a header image, but does include an optional Subtitle field.
The Event listing page allows you to select what category(ies) of event posts you want to display (or exclude) on the page, either a single category or multiple categories. The list will include the event title linked to the full post, date, time and location information. Below the Subtitle and above the individual event listings, the visitor will see a date filter feature to limit the dates of items to show. The date filter is set to the present day so that any events that took place in the past will not show up by default.
The listing is ordered from most recent to older posts and will automatically create pagination at the bottom of the page.
You can also set the number of Event posts that appear per page (up to 100 in increments of ten). This is done through the “Pagination” section while editing the page. Just be aware, the higher the number of pagination (number of results per page), the longer it will take for the page to load for your visitors.
The page does not include any additional content area or components, however, you can attach Billboards below the listing.
Research Project listing page
Heading link
The Research Project listing page allows you to show an archive of Research Project listing posts. The page template does not include a header image, nor does it include an Intro text area.
The Research Project listing feature allows you to select what category(ies) of Research Project posts you want to display on the page, either a single category or multiple categories, or which post type categories you want to be excluded. The list will include the Research Project title linked to the full post, principal investigator, funding source and thumbnail picture.
The listing is ordered from most recent to older posts and will automatically create pagination at the bottom of the page. The page does not include any additional content area or components, however, you can attach Billboards below the listing.
Help Article Listing Page
Heading link
The Help Article listing page allows you to show an archive of Help Article posts. The page template does not include a header image but does include an Intro body text area with an optional Subtitle field.
The Help Article listing feature allows you to select what category(ies) of Help Article posts you want to display (or exclude) on the page, either a single category or multiple categories. You have two options of displaying the article listings: List (with excerpts) or Tile. The List format will include a thumbnail of any images included in individual posts, the headline linked to the full post, and an excerpt of the body of the post. The Tile format will appear similar to the Featured Tiles component do on a page; the help posts appear 2 articles across – with a large (clickable) image, title and excerpt of the body of the post. List format is organized as a vertical list of single items, while the Tile format is two across.
The listing is ordered from most recent to older posts and will automatically create pagination at the bottom of the page. You do have the option of making an individual Help Article post “sticky” which means that it will stay at the top of the list as long as this designation is activated.
You can also set the number of Help Article posts that appear per page (up to 100 in increments of ten). This is done through the “Pagination” section while editing the page. Just be aware, the higher the number of pagination (number of results per page), the longer it will take for the page to load for your visitors.
The page does not include any additional content area or components, however, you can attach Billboards below the listing.