5. Different User Types
The difference between user types
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In RED, as with any other CMS, there are different user types that have specific permissions assigned to their respective roles.
- Administrator – somebody who has access to all content management functions and a defined set of administration features within a single site. This includes managing users, but does not include plugin activation or other various site settings.
- Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts & pages including those of other users.
- Author – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts, but not pages. Can edit but not delete published content.
- Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
- Subscriber – somebody who can read content behind a login.
- Profile Editor — this role was created specifically for Red to allow units to give faculty and staff the capability to manage and publish their own Profile posts. They will NOT have access to edit other profiles already created. By creating a Profile Editor role, that particular Profile Editor can then go in and create a new profile. Admins should first add the user as a profile editor, then create a profile post for that particular user and assign them as the “Author” from the drop-down in the profile post (at the bottom).