Call to Action Links

view of icons listed in table below

You can add Call to Action Links with icons and text anywhere in the body area of the page. Options for this component include with or without a title showing, light or dark background, and 38 icons built into the theme.

General Icons More General Icons Health Care Icons Social Media Icons
Blackborad Map Beaker Facebook
Book Matrix DNA Instagram
Calendar Newsletter First Aid Linkedin
Check Mark People Heart Twitter
Computer Phone Microscope Tubmblr
Dollar Sign Ribbon Pill Youtube
Earth Speech bubble Rx
Envelope Tablet Stethoscope
Flag Text Tooth
Graduation Cap User UI Health Logo
Lock Write

Title Fields

Titles are required in most components to comply with the rule that headings H1-H6 must be used before a section of content to describe its context. You may select the “Hide Title” option if you don’t want it displayed, however, a site visitor using a screen reader will hear those titles. This means they should be descriptive and unique. If you only enter “Title” for example, the user will hear “title, title, title,” etc. as they tab through your content blocks. They will have no context to know if that is information they should read.

Link Text

Text links in your content should not use a URL as the link text. It should have meaningful text rather than using “click here” or “read more” Instead, use the page title or a description of the page where the link leads.

Link text that is in context with the content where it is pointing gives all users better information about the purpose of the link.

Users interact with links in various ways, including:

  • Screen reader users can generate a list of links and navigate them alphabetically.
  • Redundant or ambiguous link text such as “More” is meaningless in this context.
  • Users of speech recognition technology can select a link with a voice command like “click” followed by the link text. Therefore it is also helpful to use unique link text that is short and easy to say.
  • Users who don’t need assistive technology often skim and scan your content, a link that gives more context can prompt them to click through to the content they seek.
  • Meaningful link text may often align with key terms or phrases used by people searching for your site. Using them for link text may improve your SEO.